Saturday, 27 April 2019

Chanting of a broken heart

Chanting of a broken heart

Be prayerful, they told me
Be strong they told me
Be courageous they said..
Kindness doesn’t hurt, that’s what I was brought up with

A lot have been said to me in my life journey,
“There is always light at the end of the tunnel”
I have been a “good” person,
But like they say “Life is not always what you want it to be like”

I gave love to people who never even deserved my Hello
I crossed oceans for people who couldn’t even cross a pond for me
Time wasted on useless people is myriad and can never be returned back
A lot went to waste, feelings, material, thoughts to mention but a few

There came a time when I felt it was pointless to live
Many saw me as a happy person
But deep inside my heart, I was in pain
I prayed for earth to swallow me alive

I provided emotional help to people when I was at my zeros of losing it
Maybe because only my pillow knew my sorrows
Never tasted the perfect life I imagined; from my teen ages
I yearned and hoped for miracles overnight

Does anyone noticed, that it’s mostly the one that are closest to us that shred us into pieces?
Does life have to be always difficult first before you can enjoy a “good” one?
If they say life is about what’s in your mind,
Why would I have a mind that thinks of a better, good and hopeful future but gets the opposite?

Life for me, a roller-coaster